Podcast: Forward to the past 'Het Speelhuis'

Listen here to 'Vooruit naar het verleden' (Forward to the past)
This podcast is in Dutch. Scroll on and read more about the Speelhuis (Playhouse).
4 brothers, one Playhouse
In this podcast we take you into Breda's past. We go way back in time to arrive at the roots of our royal house, which originated here. The podcast is about the playhouse, which came to life through 4 half-brothers.
Filips and Maurits
Filips devised all the plans that should have eventually formed his Playhouse, he bought the land and planted the woods, but he did not make it to lay the foundation stone. That foundation stone was then laid by his heir and brother Maurits, he completed the construction of the Playhouse, not entirely without a struggle.

Justinus and Frederik Hendrik
Justinus found himself back in the playhouse; after the loss of both his brothers, memories of the malie game and the countless festive dinners brought him comfort. Frederik Hendrik enjoyed the playhouse and his son, in turn, breathed new life into the family heritage.

All good
Although the 4 brothers' many misfortunes have not left them cold over the years, there was one thing that bound them together, the good times in and around their Playhouse.
You can hear the story the Speelhuis (in Dutch) in ‘Vooruit naar het verleden’ aflevering 5: Het Speelhuis